lol analyst

How to CS [Pro Analysis]

The IMPOSSIBLE Things Chovy Does That Nobody Sees!

Why Dopa Always Bans Talon

What is it Like to VS Faker in Lane?

Kai'sa Tips & Tricks [Pro Analysis]

Jhin Tips & Tricks [Pro Analysis]

How Rookie’s Laning Blew Dopa’s Mind

How to Outplay [Pro Analysis]

How The Rank 1 Fizz Main Carries in High Elo

this champion can 1v5 even when 0/5 😭💀

How KR Challengers Use Reworked K’Sante

The moment Faker realized he was going back to the Finals after 5 years

Doran Joins T1 - What’s He Like in Solo Queue?

Wave Management [Pro Analysis]

SECRET Zed Tips & Tricks

The Ultimate Lvl 1 Sion Cheese

Lucian Tips & Tricks [Pro Analysis]

Why Dopa Perma Bans Qiyana【Beifeng Is Back】

SECRET Sett Tips & Tricks

INSANE wave management trick you NEED to do 🤯

How the Best Vlad in the World Stomps KR Challengers

'Lol Analyst' is blatantly copying another Korean Youtuber.

A Pro Amongst Pros: Zeus’ Insanely Detailed Plays

Yone Tips & Tricks [Pro Analysis]